民視英英新聞/遙控車界F1 台生打敗國際賽奪銅牌

日期 2015年09月18日 14:20:00 | 新聞類別: 媒體報導

Taiwanese scores podium finish in model car racing world championships (2015/09/17)

A 16-year-old sophomore at Taoyuan Lioho High School stunned the model car racing world when he took third place in the Large Scale car world championships in Malaysia earlier this month. His proud father, who provided technical support, was thrilled with the result. 

The International Federation of Model Auto Racing is known as the Formula 1 of the sport. At its world championships in Malaysia in early September, cars circled the track at speeds of up to 90 kilometers an hour on straightaways. 

Chiu Chieh of Taiwan took third place in the competition.

Chiu Chieh
Model Auto Racer
There was a lot of pressure, but once you’re up you know you can’t get nervous, because if you do, you make mistakes and you have a high error rate. So you just have to steadily maneuver your way around the track. 

Chiu had his mechanically adept father to thank for his top-notch performance. His father improved the car and provided technical support. 

Chiu Kuo-shu
Chiu’s Father
Of course I’m really excited and happy. The four years put into this were worth it.

Though Chiu could not muster the speed of the two racers who beat him, he managed a podium finish because his race was free of mistakes.


遙控車界F1 台生打敗國際賽奪銅牌




[[少年賽車手 邱傑]]


[[邱傑父親 邱國書]]


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